The British Independent Motor Trade Association (BIMTA) is the only UK trade body established solely to represent the independent vehicle import industry. Our Members bring thousands of vehicles across each year from Japan.

The definitive ‘voice’ for importing

We are recognised by the Government and agencies, including the DVLA, the Department for Transport and HM Revenue & Customs, as the definitive 'voice' of the independent sector, and are the ONLY body in the UK to offer money-back guarantees on vehicle checks.

Buy with confidence

Our Members include a national network of around 100 non-franchised vehicle dealerships and supporting services - all of whom sign up to a code of professional conduct which means you can buy from them with confidence.

Winning for Customers

We famously led the campaign to equalise car prices between the UK and mainland Europe, and have been instrumental in working for Government legislation and regulation designed to protect the consumer from unscrupulous vehicle dealers.

We are a trade association set up more than 25 years ago by independent dealers importing used vehicles from Japan. It coined the phrase ‘rip-off Britain’ during its successful campaign to remove restrictions on the number of imports allowed into the UK. The association has since been recognised by Government agencies, including Customs and Excise, DVLA and Department for Transport, as ‘the voice’ of the independent sector.

Aside from providing members with legal and practical advice on imports and exports from the UK, BIMTA offers the general public mileage checks on imports along with Dating Certificates.

Are you looking to verify your vehicle’s mileage?